Textile Wet Processing Technician

During the two-year duration of Textile Wet Processing Technician trade, a candidate is trained on Professional Skill, Professional Knowledge, Engineering Drawing, Workshop Calculation & Science and Employability Skill related to job role. In addition to this, a candidate is entrusted to undertake project work and extracurricular activities to build up confidence.
The broad components covered under Professional Skill subject are as below:-

FIRST YEAR : During this year the candidates will acquire the skill on identifying various types of hand tools, observe the safety precautions during filing, marking, punching and drilling practices. He will be aware of various types’of gauges, types of lathes and its functions. Turning tool, grinding tool setting and job setting, facing and chamfering, plain turning etc. He will also develop skill on various types of welding and welding process. He will apply range of skill to execute different carpentry work. He will also identify different electrical and electronic measuring instruments and test electrical assembly.

The candidates will be familiar with institution, observe the safety precaution during performing various jobs. They will recognize different raw materials, properties and machinery equipment used in the trade. Trainees will develop analytical skills related to the testing of water quality and efficiency of wetting agent. Identify various types of fibres and various lubricants used for different parts of the machineries, machineries used for finishing of various functional processes and maintenance of general observation. They will also develop skill on various chemical preparatory processes carried out for yarn and grey cloth. Wash and dry different textiles and machineries used for washing and drying processes. Trainees will be able to recognize damages after preparatory process using various methods of detection and prevention. They will also develop skill on starching of fabric, chemical softening biochemical/enzyme assisted processes carried for textile fabrics.

SECOND YEAR : In this year the trainees will run a model effluent treatment plant with chemical dosing, filtration and aerations with situation of clear choice& calculations of steam energy. They will Plan and execute the operation of boiler. They will also identify, select the dyeing process and troubleshoot various machineries involved. The trainees will Select and organize the dyeing process of wool, silk, flax and jute with suitable dyes using appropriate machines with situation of clear choice. They will Plan and execute the working method of screen printing machines. They will be also able to Troubleshoot and maintain the electronic controller used in dyeing and printing machine using appropriate rules & tools.